
Resource freshness validation

APIs often need to validate that a client and server agree on the current state of a resource before taking some kind of action on that resource. For example, two processes updating the same resource in parallel could create a race condition, where the latter process "stomps over" the effort of the former one.

ETags provide a way to deal with this, by allowing the server to send a checksum based on the current content of a resource; when the client sends that checksum back, the server can ensure that the checksums match before acting on the request.


A resource may provide an ETag header when retrieving a single resource when it is important to ensure that the client has an up to date resource before acting on certain requests:

200 OK
Content-type: application/json
ETag: "55cc0347-66fc-46c3-a26f-98a9a7d61d0e"

The ETag must be provided by the server on output, and values should conform to RFC 7232. Resources must support the If-Match header (and may support the If-None-Match header) if and only if resources provide the ETag.

Note: ETag values must include quotes as described in RFC 7232. For example, a valid ETag is "foo", not foo.

ETags must be based on an opaque checksum or hash of the resource that guarantees it will change if the resource changes.

Condition headers

Services that provide ETags should support the If-Match and If-None-Match headers on incoming requests:

GET /v1/publishers/{publisher}/books/{book} HTTP/2
Accept: application/json
If-Match: "55cc0347-66fc-46c3-a26f-98a9a7d61d0e"

If the service receives a request to modify a resource that includes an If-Match header, the service must validate that the value matches the current ETag. If the If-Match header value does not match the ETag, the service must reply with an HTTP 412 error.

If the user omits the If-Match header, the service should permit the request. However, services with strong consistency or parallelism requirements may require users to send ETags all the time and reject the request with an HTTP 400 error if it does not contain an ETag.

If any conditional headers are supported for any operation within a service, the same conditional headers must be supported for all mutation methods (POST, PATCH, PUT, and DELETE) of any path that supports them, and should be supported uniformly for all operations across the service.

If any validator or conditional headers are supported for any operations in the service, the use of unsupported conditional headers must result in an error. (In other words, once a service gives the client reason to believe it understands conditional headers, it must not ever ignore them.)

Read requests

If a service receives a GET or HEAD request with an If-Match header, the service must proceed with the request if the ETag matches, or send a 412 Precondition Failed error if the ETag does not match.

If a service receives a GET or HEAD request with an If-None-Match header, the service must proceed with the request if the ETag does not match, or return a 304 Not Modified response if the ETag does match.

Strong and weak ETags

ETags can be either "strongly validated" or "weakly validated":

  • A strongly validated ETag means that two resources bearing the same ETag are byte-for-byte identical.
  • A weakly validated ETag means that two resources bearing the same ETag are equivalent, but may differ in ways that the service does not consider to be important.

Resources may use either strong or weak ETags, as it sees fit, but should document the behavior. Additionally, weak ETags must have a W/ prefix as mandated by RFC 7232:

200 OK
Content-type: application/json
ETag: W/"55cc0347-66fc-46c3-a26f-98a9a7d61d0e"

Strong ETags must and weak ETags should be guaranteed to change if any properties on the resource change that are directly mutable by the client. Additionally, strong ETags should be guaranteed to change if the resource's representation changes in a meaningful way (meaning the new representation is not equivalent to the old one).

Further reading

  • For how to retry on errors in client libraries, see AIP-194.


  • 2020-09-02: Clarified that other errors may take precedence over FAILED_PRECONDITION for ETag mismatches.
  • 2020-09-02: Add guidance for ETags on request messages.
  • 2019-09-23: Changed the title to "resource freshness validation".